Circular Phylogeny overlaying a Brown and Green tree

The tree source for this visual is down. Working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

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Taxon Tree

Listed as: Genus_species-->Common_name

Learn about Phylogenetic Trees

A phylogenetic tree is a model of the evolutionary relationships among a set of organisms

Nodes represent common ancestors

A clade is a common ancestor and all of its descendants

all these lineages have been evolving for the same amount of time and have a mixture of traits, some of which are different from their common ancestor, some of which are the same

all these lineages have been evolving for the same amount of time and have a mixture of traits, some of which are different from their common ancestor, some of which are the same

Addresses NGSS Standards:

Site created using javascript, and HTML; hosted on GitHub pages. Key technologies and data sources used are: phylotastic, OneZoom , and phylotree.js

This project was developed by Jodie Wiggins, and Brian O’Meara in collaboration with public school teacher Cara Stephens, as part of the phylotastic project. Funds to support this work came from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) grants 1458572, 1453424, and 1458603.

All materials are open for this: you can go to to see the code we use, list issues, and try modifying it yourself.