Every life science discipline and healthcare field depends on thorough familiarity with genetics principles to be intelligently applied and every life on earth is influenced by these disciplines and fields. Students in this course will solidify their understanding of the the central dogma of genetics, broaden their grasp of genomic regulation, and apply basic genetic principles learned in highschool and earlier college courses to developing a more comprehensive understanding of heredity and population genetics.
Canvas Modules – Where you will find instructional materials and turn in ALL assignments & quizzes organized by week: Modules -> Weekly Objectives and Tasks
Microsoft Teams – Where you communicate with the leadership team and with classmates
Every Week
A set of instructional materials to complete (videos, readings, and analyses/explorations)
A homework assignment (every other)
A quiz (every other)
An in-person small group meeting (starts Week 2)
Internet Access
Readings will come from a number of freely available on-line textbooks, peer reviewed articles, and websites created and maintained by scientific organizations (seeLinks & Examples)